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Zakia Hammal, PhDZamia HammalZamia Hammal

Carnegie Mellon University
The Robotics Institut
Pittsbourgh, PA (USA)

PD Dr. Steffen WalterSteffen Walter, UlmSteffen Walter, Ulm

Ulm University (D)
Medical Psychology

Nadia Berthouze NadiaNadia

University College London (UK)
Affective Interaction and Computing


There are three different submission categories

  • Workshop Full Paper = 8 Page Limit in the two-column ACM conference format (excluding references).
  • Workshop Short Paper = 4 Page Limit in the two-column ACM conference format (excluding references).
  • Workshop Poster Abstract = 3 Page Limit in the two-column ACM conference format (excluding references).


The reviewing will be double blind, so submissions should be anonymous: do not include the authors' names, affiliations or any clearly identifiable information in the paper (including in the Acknowledgments and references). It is appropriate to cite past work of the authors if these citations are treated like any other (e. g. „Smith [5] approached this problem by …”) – omit references only if it would be obviously identifying the authors. Paper chairs will desk reject non-anonymous papers after reviewing begins. 

Submitted papers should conform to the latest ACM publication format. ICMI2021 will use a new ACM Publication System (TAPS) process. This means submitted papers should follow the instructions and use templates given in the following link: https://www.acm.org/publications/taps/word-template-workflow.

All authors should therefore submit manuscripts for review in a single column format instead of the previous two-column format. The calculated approximate number of pages for the types of papers that are mentioned in the various workshops of ICMI:

  • 8 pages in two column -> 13~14 pages in one column
  • 4 pages in two column -> 7 pages in one column
  • 3 pages in two column -> 5 pages in one column

If you have any question related to papers' format please contact the ICMI-2021 publications chairs Yukiko Nakano and Mathieu Chollet (icmi2021-publication-chairs@acm.org) and cc'd the AAP workshop chairs. 


The paper submission system is now open using EasyChair: AAP-2021.

Important dates

Deadline for workshop paper submission: August 16th, 2021

Decisions released to authors:  August 31st, 2021

Deadline for camera-ready submission: September 15th, 2021

Workshop date: October 18th, 2021


Program Committee (to be completed)

Temitayo Olugbade, University College London
Luca Romeo, Università Politecnica delle Marche 
Hongying Meng, Brunel University
Amanda Williams, University College London
Joy Egede, University of Nottingham
Chongyang Wang, University College London
Sascha Gruss, Ulm University

Friedhelm Schwenker, Ulm University

Maria Velana, Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors
Adriano Andrade, Federal University of Uberlandia

Daniela Geisel, Ulm University